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A B O U T   T H E   C O N S C I O U S   C O M M U N I T Y!

Living April Ann is a community of fun and vibrant individuals who are looking to dive into the world of being a Conscious Consumer!  


N O N - T O X I C    B E A U T Y 

We work together as a community of conscious consumers to live a clean lifestyle through Non-Toxic Beauty and Clean Eating Habits!

N O N - T O X I C    B E A U T Y 

W H O  I S   A P R I L   A N N?

A B O U T   T H E   C O N S C I O U S   C O M M U N I T Y!

Living April Ann is a community of fun and vibrant individuals who are looking to dive into the world of being a Conscious Consumer!  


We work together as a community of conscious consumers to live a clean lifestyle through Non-Toxic Beauty and Clean Eating Habits!

N O N - T O X I C    B E A U T Y 


B E   K I N D   TO 

O T H E R S 


You can decide where your money goes! It is your turn to be in control and only financially support what is in line with your beliefs!

B E   K I N D   TO 

O T H E R S 


E M B R A C E 

 P O S I T I V I T Y 

Strive for greatness every single day and join the community of women who uplift each other to achieve their goals! Be authentically who you are and love it to pieces 

E M B R A C E 

 P O S I T I V I T Y 

Strive for greatness every single day and join the community of women who uplift each other to achieve their goals! Be authentically who you are and love it to pieces 

W H O  I S   A P R I L   A N N?




W H A T   I   S T A N D   F O R 

Despite what you may have thought, my name actually is not April Ann. So, allow me to introduce myself! My name is simply Emily Garone and I am a hardworking fashion student at Marist College, located in the Hudson Valley. Whether I am singing and dancing obnoxiously around the house or exploring the outdoors, I am constantly on the lookout for new sources of happiness so I can be the best version of myself each and every day! :)


College is the time where you dive into new adventures, learn a heck of a lot about who you are, and discover the best environment to surround yourself. Living April Ann looks to support and spread the word to be authentically you, find your fun, and live life to the fullest! Don’t be afraid to show your true colors and create, teach, and learn. I hope that my experiences can inspire you to follow your own passions and live your own April Ann life!



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C L E A N   B E A U T Y 


Over the past two years I have really gained an interest in the Clean Beauty World! After waking up with a crazy allergic reaction from a new lip stain, I realized that what we put onto our faces can be quite harmful and even gross! I fell down the hole of ingredient research, scientific studies, and just about every clean beauty blog out there and made the no-brainer decision to make the switch! By switching my makeup and skincare products to cleaner alternatives, my skin had a total transformation! It was like my skin could breathe happily again and regain its natural glow! 



I decided to create the Living April Ann community to not only be a safe space for expression, but a spot to get all of the clean beauty secrets, product reviews, and insights on how to be a conscious consumer in this crazy world! Don't buy into the products that are the easiest choice, but buy into the products that are the BEST choice for you and your body! There is no need for unnecessary chemicals to be seeping into your body everyday, so why not make the switch! Whether you have sensitive skin, or just want to start living a cleaner lifestyle, let me join you on your journey to be living clean! 

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E T H I C A L   F A S H I O N 


As a fashion student, I get to see the industry in a very different light than the general public. I knew that I had such a passion for the industry that made people feel beautiful and confident in their own skin every single day, but I didn't realize that it tears others down in the process. Some of the most glamorous brands hide the dirtiest secrets. I realized that the $10 shirt I bought online is not worth the pain and suffering of a mistreated worker overseas. Because the information is so hidden. we may not even think twice about the woman or man who made the garments that we own and how they are treated. After seeing countless horror stories of child labor, rape, sexual assault, and intense mistreatment of entire factories full of people, I knew it was time to take a stand.  When you begin to view the industry in this way you can ask yourself, if your half unused wardrobe worth the suffering of another? Hopefully you will make the right choice. 



The community of individuals who are taking a stand for human rights is growing day by day! I try to look for products made in the USA because of the laws that we have to protect workers from mistreatment. I strive to limit my intake from brands that are not transparent with the public on their practices. The movement of ethical fashion has pushed companies to comply and work towards safer production around the world. Hold companies accountable for their actions with your dollar because it is way more valuable than you believe!  

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S T A R T   L I V I N G   H A P P I L Y 

Most importantly, I encourage you to live your happiest life! You must always be kind and keep giving, but know when to take the necessary time to do the right thing for yourself and your happiness! True strength and confidence comes in the balance that you create in life. Never stop being authentically who you are while maintaining to grow and learn each and everyday! I hope you will come along with me and join the community of positive people all in search for a little more happiness! 

©2019 by April Ann. Proudly created with

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